Christmas Gift Ideas For Daycare Classmates
Christmas is coming, and so is the gift-giving madness!
As a parent, you know that Christmas is not just about you and your kids. It’s also about their friends. And that means more gift shopping!
But don’t worry! I’m here to help.
Here are a few ideas for deciding budget-friendly and easy Christmas gifts for your child’s daycare classmates:
- Personalized gifts: Names or initials added on a lunchbox or piece of clothing.
- Creative gifts: DIY goodie bags along with some DIY toy or homemade delicacy.
- Educational gifts: Wooden puzzles for letters or numbers, a science kit or painting kit.
- Group gift: Tickets to a children’s museum or local amusement park.
Keeping on reading for more practical and quick to buy gift ideas and tips. Oh, btw all my gift ideas are under 10$. Feel free to steal them for a quick and stress-free Christmas gift shopping spree.

3 Gifts to Give
While planning gift shopping this time, I have 3 checkpoints in mind. I would add something of practical use that will be educational, reusable and healthy, or I’d revive my DIY hobby along my kid to make some gift rich in love and kindness.
1. Practical Gifts
For practical gifts, I am planning on buying some of the following fun stuff that kids would love and play with them more than once:
- Glow-in-the-dark rock painting kit: I just absolutely love this product. BTW it’s on sale at amazon. You could keep that little one off-screen while letting them explore rock paint art, and I absolutely adore the glowing part. It would be a perfect add-on to kids’ night room décor. Ah! How fascinating.
- Build and paint wooden cars: Another goodie I found on amazon for under 10$. An easy-to-assemble car set with a paint kit so kids could color their car according to their choice. The best part is it’s made of wood; Mother Earth would thank you!
- Silly scents washable markers: Finally, I found them. No more stubborn marker stains all over my home and clothes. Though the silly scent made me a bit skeptical. But to be honest, I am curious how silly they would be?
- Cool lunch box or water bottle: Cliché? I know, but the gift is for kids, and they love new bottles and boxes, period!
- Wooden personalized name puzzle: Won’t be practical if your child has more classmates since you might not know the name of all kids, but it would be an excellent gift for a smaller batch of kids, likewise in-home daycares.
All these gifts are reusable, creative, educational and affordable. Plus, they are available at Amazon stores, and some are on sale. YAY!
Here’s a free tip: Make note cards with 3 gift options according to your budget. Ask your kiddo to distribute it among their classmates. Let the kids mark their preferred present and return those cards after a day. Once gifts have been selected, go shopping.

2. Gift Buddies
If you are short on time and want to avoid experimenting, this idea could come in handy. Go for it, especially if you’re going to reject my “Free Tip”.
You could buy board games, scrabbles, picture books or some talking story books for a whole group to play specifically at daycare. Or you can gift identical beanies, socks, PJs, sweatshirts etc, to make them all gift buddies.
Another great idea is to buy them tickets to museum or amusement park as gift.
Gifts for the group would help kids learn, share happiness with each other and teamwork. Plus, as a parent, it would save you the trouble of packing more goods, thus saving your time and effort.
3. DIY Daycare Gifts
I understand that DIY gifts for a daycare class are a lot of work. But I have some effortless DIY ideas.
- Host a pre-Christmas party as a gift for daycare kids.
- Make drawstrings no sew goodie bags in red with attached butter paper inside to pack homemade cookies or treats. Make simple hand-painted and written note cards to send along, and Tada!
- Another gift that I am definitely gonna make and gift are DIY toys by Jarrison. You can click on her name to visit her Instagram for fun DIY ideas. I am totally in love with her snowman made of bottle cap.
You might also want to read: Affordable Gift Ideas for Daycare Friends
3 Gifts Never to Give
1. Expensive Goods
Before including it on the list, I conducted an extensive analysis. Parents think that extravagant presents have instilled in their children a sense of superiority and inferiority.
So consider this research while shopping for daycare Christmas gifts or new year gifts for daycare. When buying for kids, it’s best to keep things simple to avoid competition.
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2. Food (with no ingredient details)
The last thing you want to hear about your gifts is that they made someone sick. Food allergies are common, and children can sneak-eat food presents. So, if you are unsure about all of the children’s health histories, it is best to avoid taking such chances with your presents.
3. Trending Plastic Toys
What’s the harm?
Because they are already raving around the town, someone else will definitely gift them if not you. Chances are, many kids already would have bought them. So why waste money?
You might also want to read: Best Toys for Daycare
Lookout for Mothers
Here I am not suggesting giving gifts to mothers as well though you can if you want to. But the best gift mothers could get on Christmas is one less toy driving her crazy with its loud screeching noise. So avoid toys with loud sounds. And no glitter, please! Please! Please!
Those loud toys, glitter and beads boxes are fun for kids but the absolute opposite for mothers. They are our Nightmare! So don’t gift toys that you’ll despise yourself as a mother.
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Conclusion-Final Piece of Advice
Christmas should be all about fun and celebrations without any complex fast rules to follow. But a little consideration while doing gift shopping could bring quite a change. Avoid buying one-time-use plastic toys and wrapping papers and goods as much as possible.
Plastic ain’t going to change its non-decomposing nature anytime soon. And we can’t provide our kids another planet to celebrate Christmas!
Happy shopping, and don’t forget to share your gift ideas with me in the comment below. Cheers!